Who Has Voting Power?

What types of on-chain activity may indicate a good, informed decision maker?

These could be pulled into separate decision-making DAOs in later stages.

Possible Cohorts:

  • DevCon POAP holders

  • EthGlobal winners

  • Kickback attendees

  • Smart contract deployers (deployed >5 contracts)

  • Gitcoin donors (funded >10 different projects)

  • Local leaders in different Ethereum communities around the world

  • Most active voters in existing DAOs

  • Addresses initiated before 2016

  • Noobs? (suggested because of the UX gap in the ecosystem)

  • Some kind of cross-ecosystem cohort, to bring Ethereum stakeholders into dialogue with real-world problems (related to UX evolution / new user adoption)

  • Public goods funding communities (Gitcoin, Giveth, etc) - they each have governance token lists

Last updated