DAO Drops V1 Scope

DAO Drops was initially a project led by dOrg and backed by a grant from the Ethereum Foundation. The purpose of the project was to decentralize the decision-making power of where the EF's funds are allocated. The purpose of this research is to inform the product design, and potentially also to serve as a resource for finance allocation governance in the Ethereum ecosystem.

Deliverables for Research Phase / Month1

  • Investigate current resource allocation practices across the ecosystem to identify gaps and potential areas for improvement

  • Evaluate 2-3 governance frameworks

  • Generate list of 12-16 possible cohorts

  • Develop criteria to measure impact of DAOs launched

  • Research and spec out technical implementation and operational rollout plan

  • Additional deliverables:

    • User experience map

    • First low-fidelity prototype ready for user testing

Last updated